In order to protect consumer legitimate rights, the European Union, UK,USA, Canada, Australia together with other countries in the world has established special notification systems to provide information of products which may cause risk to people health and safety.
A total of 33 notifications of children’s toys were declared in EU RAPEX are from Czechia, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Netherlands; 8 notifications in Healthy Canadians official website; 4 notifications in UK official for product safety and Standards website; 2 notification in Australian product safety recalls official website; 3 notifications in CPSC official website during the 37th and the 41th week of 2023. Except the notification in Australian product safety recalls official website, in which the original country of toys are not mentioned, up to 43 notifications of children’s toys are from China among all those notifications.Toys were notified because of The product contains magnets with a high magnetic flux. Contain or release small parts, Phthalates content exceeds the limit level, etc.
For more details about those notifications please click here.